Monday, April 11, 2016

Pepsi Max

I wanted to start this email with Pepsi Max because I drank almost a whole 2 liter of it yesterday.  It really does have maximum taste and no calories if you were ever questioning what the bottle says.  The best way to end a fast Sunday is by drinking that sweet nectar.  This week was great.  Honestly one of the greatest.  And while I speak this very day we are preparing for a p-day bbq.  I witnessed one of the people I was teaching in Portland enter the waters of baptism and we saw plenty of miracles from striving to be a little more obedient.  Okay, let's talk about the first great thing that happened this week. I think we could say it was traveling back to Portland (where I belong) and seeing Romeo get baptized.  We found Romeo about 4 or 5 months ago looking for his neighbor and after his neighbor denied meeting with us he said "would you like to come in and study the Book of Mormon?" The beginning of that BOM study was Romeo saying "you know I think I want to get baptized".   5 months later we had ourselves a baptism and turns out his fiancé is now taking the lessons and they are working to get married in the temple.  Pictures will be attached at the bottom and one of them will be in front of Izzy’s.  Izzy’s is the worst buffet the north west has to offer.  I think I ate my own barf. You may ask why we went there to celebrate a baptism?  Romeo said he liked it.  Elder Lambert standing next to me in the photo gave me excess amounts of gruff for agreeing with the post-baptism Izzy’s celebration.  Alright, this week our mission President changed a few of the policies which caused murmuring amongst a few people.  Myself included.  I was even wondering what in the world would happen if we could ONLY have dinner from 5-6?! Members are gonna get ticked because they can't always feed us from 5-6... But let me tell you THIS! We cancelled some of our dinners, and about 20 minutes after cancelling our dinner for the night we stopped in on a less active member of our ward that we have been unable to contact for about a month now.  Guess who was walking down the steps the minute we were walking up the steps to his door?  YEPPP!!  Minutes after we followed the counsel of the mission president we saw a miracle.  One of our investigators named Jordon asked us a very intriguing question this week.  He asked us "how much electricity do you think it would take to see God?"  This question puzzled us as we pondered what substances Jordan must have partaken of prior to our meeting.  We attempted to teach the restoration instead of electricity and ended up talking about black holes by the end of the lesson?! To be honest I keep forgetting what happened during the week, but I do remember the sun shining for the majority of the week and it seemed like many people had been hiding under rocks or in holes in the ground for most of the winter season.  The Washingtonians are out and about with the sunshine and they all want to get coffee at Dutch Bros at the exact same time!  Without a doubt... Everyday... At all times of the day... There is a traffic jam at Dutch Bros.  I don't see why they just don't drink Pepsi Max?! Agreed?! Have a great week.
Baptism celebration at Izzy's.

Romeo's baptism in Portland.

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