WA-VAN Mission MTC District @ Provo Temple |
Today and this last week has been really awesome. The first day I came in I realized my district was pretty much 5 other guys just like me. Which is trouble... and then one kid that is in his own little world and its hilarious. I love my companion Elder Imada. He is 24 and he is from Layton. We get along so well. The food here at Camp Greenlake is awesome!!! I love the people! I'm building so much character!! But really the food is fine. No diet pepsi... so that is rough. But the spirit is the real deal at the MTC here. Its in everything we do. I pray about 6818498498 more times than I thought I ever could. We teach about 3 investigators a day. Its becoming something I really like to do. Just always need to remember to be a real person and not just teach a lesson.
taught an investigator who had no idea even what a god was... or
religion for that matter. It was really cool to see her reaction as we
testified of how we came to know and believe in God. The spirit was
really strong and I could tell she wanted to try for herself. We
committed one investigator to baptism (even though its just role play) I
am pretty excited for this fake baptism. We told him it was like December 25th
or something. He is a librarian and all I want to do is talk
to him about WWII things but I know the spirit probably doesn't want to
testify about the Axis or Allies for that matter. I feel likeIi have
grown up so much in just a week... I mean who was I before this?! Did
you guys even like me?! and if so how?! I miss you all and I promise you and testify to you this is the true church. Everything
happens in your life because Heavenly Father has a wonderful plan for
you. He wants the absolute best for you & when you're
experiencing hard times... just reach out to him. The Atonement of
Jesus Christ was real & it can enable you to become stronger. SHARE THE LOVE. Buy me a pepsi. I would love to hear from you all.
-Elder King